Privacy Policy

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E.Dubied & Co is very committed to your privacy. This privacy notice explains how we collect, use, disclose, retain, and protect your personal information.

If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please feel free to Contact Us.

Personal Information is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
We do not consider personal information to include information that has been anonymized or aggregated so that it can no longer be used to identify a specific natural person, whether in combination with other information or otherwise.
We collect personal information from you when you use our website.

We use your personal information to provide and improve our services, provide you with a personalized experience on our sites, contact you about your account and our services, provide you customer service, provide you with personalized advertising and marketing, and to detect, prevent, mitigate and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities.

You have choices about how we use your personal information to communicate with you, to send you marketing information, how we provide you with customized and relevant advertising, and whether you want to stay signed into your account.

We will honor any statutory right you might have to access, modify or erase your personal information. To request access please contact us following the instructions in the Contact Us section. Where you have a statutory right to request access or request the modification or erasure of your personal information, we can still withhold that access or decline to modify or erase your personal information in some cases in accordance with applicable national laws.
If you request that we stop processing some or all of your personal information or you withdraw (where applicable) your consent for our use or disclosure of your personal information for purposes set out in this privacy notice, we might not be able to provide you all of the Services and customer support offered to our users and authorized under this privacy notice and our Contract.
Upon your request, we will close your account and remove your personal information from view as soon as reasonably possible, based on your account activity and in accordance with applicable national laws.

We may disclose your personal information to the following parties for the following purposes:

Service Providers and financial institutions partners as follows:
· Third party service providers who help us to provide our Services, payment processing services, assist us in providing customized advertising, to assist us with the prevention, detection, mitigation, and investigation of potentially illegal acts, violations of our Contract, fraud and/or security breaches, bill collection and other business operations.
· Third party financial institutions with whom we partner to offer financial products to you, for them to provide joint content and services (such as, registration, transactions and customer support). These third party financial institution partners will use your personal information to send you marketing communications only if you have requested their services.
· Third party postage providers (e.g. DHL, UPS, USPS, etc.) with whom we share delivery address, contact information and shipment tracking information for the purposes of facilitating the delivery of items purchased and other delivery related communications.
· Third party providers of websites, applications, services and tools that we cooperate with so that they advertise our products on their websites or in their applications, services and tools. If we transfer personal information to third party providers, this will be solely on the basis of an agreement limiting use by the third party provider of such personal information to processing necessary to fulfil their contract with us and obligating the third party provider to take security measures with regard to such data. Third party providers are not permitted to sell, lease or in any other way transfer the personal information included in your listings to third parties.

Law enforcement, legal proceedings and as authorized by law:
· To comply with our legal requirements, enforce our Contract, respond to claims that a listing or other content violates the rights of others, or protect anyone's rights, property or safety.
· To law enforcement or governmental agencies, or authorized third-parties, in response to a verified request or legal process relating to a criminal investigation or alleged or suspected illegal activity or any other activity that exposes us, you, or any other of our users to legal liability. We will only disclose information we deem relevant to the investigation or inquiry, such as name, city, state, postcode, telephone number, email address, User ID history, IP address, fraud complaints, bidding and listing history.
· To third parties involved in a legal proceeding, if they provide us with a subpoena, court order or substantially similar legal basis, or we otherwise believe in good faith that the disclosure of information is necessary to prevent imminent physical harm or financial loss or to report suspected illegal activity.
· If a transaction fails, is put on hold, or is later invalidated, we may also provide the other user with details of the unsuccessful transaction
· To prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate potentially illegal acts, fraud and/or security breaches, and to assess and manage risk, including to alert you if fraudulent activities have been detected on your E.Dubied account
· To provide customer services, including to help service your account or resolve disputes (e.g., billing or transactional disputes)
· To facilitate the processing of payment cards when you pay within our Services with a payment card.

How long we retain personal information can vary significantly based on context of the Services we provide and on our legal obligations. The following factors typically influence retention periods:
· How long is the personal information needed to provide our Services? This includes such things as maintaining and improving the performance of our products, keeping our systems secure, and maintaining appropriate business and financial records. This is the general rule that establishes the baseline for most of our data retention periods.
· Is the personal information sensitive? If so, a shortened retention time is generally appropriate.
· Have you provided consent for a longer retention period? If so, we will retain data in accordance with your consent.
· Are we subject to a legal, contractual, or similar obligation to retain your personal information? Examples can include mandatory data retention laws in the applicable jurisdiction, government orders to preserve data relevant to an investigation, or personal information retained for the purposes of litigation.
After it is no longer necessary for us to retain your personal information, we will dispose of it in a secure manner according to our data retention and deletion policies.

When you visit or interact with our sites, services, applications, tools or messaging, we or our authorized service providers may use cookies and other similar technologies to help provide you with a better, faster and safer experience, and for advertising and marketing purposes. You can read our full User Cookie Notice for more information.

We protect your personal information using technical and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration. Some of the safeguards we use are firewalls and data encryption, physical access controls to the data centers we use, and information access authorization controls.

This privacy notice applies to any E.Dubied website, application, service or tools (collectively "Services") where this privacy notice is referenced, regardless of how you access or use them, including through mobile devices.

This privacy notice also applies to the provision of E.Dubied services through any E.Dubied partner's website, application, service or tool where it is referenced and where your listings and their content are published or advertised in accordance with the terms of this privacy notice.

We may amend this privacy notice at any time by posting the amended version on this site including the effective date of the amended version. We will announce any material changes to this privacy notice via email or any other suitable information channel.

We collect personal information from you and any devices (including mobile devices) you use when you: use our Services, register for an account with us, provide us information on a web form, update or add information to your account, or when you otherwise correspond with us.

Some of this personal information, such as a way to identify you, is necessary to enter into a contract with us. The provision of all other personal information is voluntary, but may be necessary in order to use our Services or in order to order a product.

We may also collect personal information from other sources, as described below.

Personal information you give us when you use our Services or order a product:

- Identifying information such as your name, addresses, telephone numbers or email addresses
- Other content that you generate, or that is connected to your account or your usage of the Services
- Financial information (such as credit card or bank account numbers) in connection with a transaction
- Postage, billing and other information used to purchase an item
- You may also provide us other information through a web form, chats, dispute resolution or when you otherwise
communicate with us regarding our Services.
- Additional information we are required or authorized by applicable national laws to collect and process in order to
authenticate or identify you or to verify the information we have collected.

Personal information we collect automatically when you use our Services or you purchase a product from us:

- We collect information about your interaction with our Services, your advertising preferences and your communications
with us. This is information we receive from devices (including mobile devices) you use when you access our Services.
This information could include the following: Device ID or unique identifier, device type, ID for advertising and a
unique device token.
- Location information, including location information from your mobile device. Keep in mind that most mobile devices
allow you to control or disable the use of location services by any application on your mobile device in the device's
settings menu.
- Computer and connection information such as statistics on your page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL,
ad data, your IP address, your browsing history and your web log information.
- Personal information we collect using cookies and similar technologies
- We use cookies, web beacons, unique identifiers and similar technologies to collect information about the pages you
view, the links you click and other actions you take when using our Services, within our advertising or email content.
- For more information about our use of these technologies, and how to control them, see Cookies and Similar

Personal information collected from other sources

- Social Media. We allow you to share information with social media sites. Those social media sites may give us automatic access to certain personal information retained by them about you (e.g., content viewed by you, content liked by you and information about the advertisements you have been shown or have clicked on, etc.). If you provide us with access
to any site with video content, then you agree that we can share your video viewing with, or obtain information about your video viewing from, third-party social media sites for at least two years or until you withdraw authorization or connection to the social media site. You control the personal information you allow us to have access to through the
privacy settings on the applicable social media site and the permissions you give us when you grant us access to the personal information retained by the respective social media site about you. We may also use plug-ins or other technologies from various social media sites. If you click on a link provided via a social media plug in, you are voluntarily establishing a connection with that respective social media site.
- If you give us personal information about someone else, you must do so only with that person’s authorization. You should inform them how we collect, use, disclose, and retain their personal information according to our privacy notice.

How we use your personal information

We use the personal information we collect from you for a range of different business purposes and according to different legal bases of processing. The following is a summary of how and according to which legal bases we use your personal information.

We use your personal information to fulfil a contract with you and provide you with our Services, to comply with our legal obligation, protect your vital interest, or as may be required for the public good. This includes:

- To provide payment processing, operate, measure and improve our Services, keep our Services safe, secure and operational, and customize site content that includes items and services that you may like in response to actions that you take.
- To contact you regarding your order, to troubleshoot problems with your order, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed or as otherwise necessary to provide you customer service (including warranty services).

When contacting you for such purposes as outlined above, we may contact you via email, telephone, SMS/text messages, or postal mail.

- To provide other services requested by you as described when we collect the information.
- We use general location information to provide you with location-based services (such as advertising, search results and other personalized content).
- To prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraud, security breaches or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities.
- To enforce our Contract, this privacy notice, or other policies, and to monitor restrictions on offers to buy or sell outside of E.Dubied and member-to-member communications for violations of our policies or applicable laws.
- We use your personal information to pursue our legitimate interests where your rights and freedoms do not outweigh these interests. We have implemented controls to balance our interests with your rights. This includes to:
- Improve our Services, for example by reviewing information associated with stalled or crashed pages experienced by users allowing us to identify and fix problems and give you a better experience.
- Deliver targeted marketing, service updates and promotional offers based on your communication preferences.
- Measure the performance of our email marketing campaigns (e.g. by analyzing open and click rates).
- Monitor and improve the information security of our site and mobile applications.

With your consent, we may use your personal information to:

- Provide you with marketing via telephone calls, email, SMS/text.
- Customise third party advertising you might see on third party websites.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

We may use technologies considered automated decision making or profiling. We will not make automated-decisions about you that would significantly affect you, unless such a decision is necessary as part of a contract we have with you, we have your consent, or we are required by law to use such technology.

If you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us, you can unsubscribe via the link in an email you received, change your Communication Preferences within your Dubied account, indicate your communication preferences using the method described within the direct communication from us or contact us as described in the Contact Us section below. Keep in mind, we do not sell, rent or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your consent.

If you do not wish to participate in our advertising personalization programs, you can opt-out by following the directions provided within the applicable advertisement, or through the programs described in our User Cookie Notice. The effect of an opt-out will be to stop personalized advertising, but it will still allow the collection of personal information as otherwise described in this privacy notice. We do not allow third parties to track or collect your personal information on our sites for their own advertising purposes, without your consent.

1two1 GmbH & Co KG, Gorch-Fock-Str. 36, 28844 Weyhe, Germany

For customers residing in the USA:

Further to E.Dubied & Co's rights as outlined in the User Privacy Notice, E.Dubied & Co reserves the right to send you marketing communications by direct mail.

As a part of our commitment to your privacy, E.Dubied & Co supports and adheres to the guidelines and practices adopted by the Direct Marketing Association's "Privacy Promise to American Consumers." We have agreed to (1) provide customers with notice of their ability to opt out of information rental, sale, or exchange with other marketers; (2) honor customers' requests not to share their contact information with other marketers; and (3) honor customers' requests not to receive mail, telephone, or other solicitations from E.Dubied & Co.